View Full Version : Speech recognition library for Qt in C ++

14th November 2012, 11:09
Hello to all. I need an opensource library in C + + for voice recognition, to interface to Qt 4.8.3 and Qt Creator 2.6.0. Can anyone help me ? Searching with Google I only found executable and source in C++

14th November 2012, 11:37
so you found some c++ libraries. what's the problem?

14th November 2012, 18:06
hello amleto. I wrote the sentence wrong. I found only executable files, but not the source code in C++. I created a simulator with Qt, in which a robot moves in QGraphicsScene. I will introduce a voice sensor, ie the robot (which I simulate) must be able to hear the voice and understand what they say (we are finally in the world of artificial intelligence, the purpose of my study). At the moment as if my robot was a baby, so it must only be able to recognize my voice as a friend and let me know with his gestures and tears or smiles or less like the input that I provide.
So I try a speech recognizer opensource, but it is hard to find. You will know someone? Obviously it should be a library to be used in Qt (now with Qt 4.8.3 and Qt Creator 2.6.0 and I am very well) because I have to interact with the voice from my microphone to my simulator.

14th November 2012, 20:27
the speech recognition library doesn't need to have anything to do with Qt. I don't know why you keep saying that :confused:


15th November 2012, 16:03
I already tried this library, but requires java to run, also the item you get is not very nice :-(