View Full Version : Can't drag and drop widgets into ui window

15th November 2012, 15:39
Hi everybody,

I couldn't find this problem in any other threads so here it goes.
I am using Qt Designer 4.8.3 on Windows 7 to create a program that requires some input from the user. I am able to insert a couple of items (labels, combobox, etc.) but after a short while I am unable to drag and drop any more widgets from the widget tool box.

Anybody have any idea what could be the issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks in advance.

15th November 2012, 20:14
Not aware of that issue. Never had such a problem personally.

21st November 2012, 18:36
I am having a similar problem to ny_2012, but only with one specific widget (so far). I'm using Qt Designer 4.8.3 and Windows 7.

I can drag and drop widgets into a new form... Until I drag and drop Phonon::VideoPlayer. Once I do that, every other widget I try to add has a circle with a line through it (the prohibited sign) and Qt will not let me drop it into the form. This is not dependent upon the specific widget - I cannot add any more.

The Phonon:SeekSlider and Phonon::VolumeSlider do not cause this problem. Only the VideoPlayer.

Even if I delete the Phonon::VideoPlayer, the damage is done and I can't add any more widgets.

There is no code to post. This is it:

1. Open Qt Designer.
2. Select "Create"
3. Drag Phonon::VideoPlayer onto the form.
4. Can't add any more widgets.

Any suggestions? I tried running Qt Designer as Administrator. No change. I'll try re-installing Qt Designer as Administrator... Thanks!