View Full Version : tile mapping in qt?

16th November 2012, 07:39
i am currently writing a tile editor for my game engine using qt, and i just have to check if im doing the tiling the best/smartest way, or if i should rewrite it.

right now my tiles are a custom graphics item that i created, and it has a mousepress event that changes the image on the tile to whatever the current selected tile is. it works and all but i have a few things to clear up before i continue coding on it:

1. is this a stupid approach? if so, what is a better way of doing it?
2. right now i have to manually click on every tile item to change them, and it worries me. is it even possible to do stuff like a pen, fill bucket etc etc doing it this way?

thanks for any help :)

16th November 2012, 09:33
I would probably handle all (or most) user interaction in the scene or in the view, leaving the interaction in the item only for item specific things.

16th November 2012, 09:42
care to explain a bit more detailed, i'm not quite sure i understand, sorry :(

16th November 2012, 10:07
For example changing the tile image should be easier handled by overriding mousePressEvent for the scene rather than for the item. This is a generic action, not tied to the type of the tile (assuming you can have more than one tile type).

16th November 2012, 12:35
hmm, how can i have the mousepress event on the scene then? could i create the scene as well through a custom item?

16th November 2012, 14:14
Items are in the scene, not the other way round. Have a look at QGraphicsScene and what it offers.