View Full Version : Need help to run video in Qt Application when click pressbutton for Beagle xm board

23rd November 2012, 14:47
I want to play "davinci_effect" video that is present in TI-DVSDK's -Matrix gui application under multimedia menu through Qt GUI Application after pressing a pushbutton for the Beagle xM board.
So to play that video on Beaglexm,i explored the processes running in my terminal when playing video under Matri-gui environment.I found processes running with this command, "$ps w".I found some background scripts are running one after the other for doing video playback. Following dump is shown on terminal after running video on matrix gui menu.

@serial terminal of beaglexM:on giving "$ps w" command.
login -- root
1010 root 1912 S /sbin/getty 38400 tty1
1020 root 3072 S -sh
1033 root 69680 S /usr/bin/matrix_guiE -qws -display transformed:Rot0 /usr/share/matrix/html/menu_main.html
1038 root 2880 S /bin/sh /usr/bin/run_gst_mp4
1073 root 90296 S /usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=/usr/share/ti/data/videos/davincieffect_h264_aac.mp4 ! qtdemux n
1080 root 0 SW< [DSPLINK_DPC_0]
1081 root 0 SW< [DSPLINK_DPC_1]
1082 root 0 SW< [DSPLINK_DPC_2]
1084 root 0 SW< [DSPLINK_DPC_3]
1088 root 3072 R ps w

So I am trying to invoke a script that containing content which shown on giving " $ps w "command when doing playback of video in matrix gui .

Tried to invoke following script file using QTProcess --startDetached (I have included correct path where exactly this script file has stored in rootfile system of BeaglexM):
/bin/sh /usr/bin/run_gst_mp4
/usr/bin/gst-launch-0.10 filesrc location=/usr/share/ti/data/videos/davincieffect_h264_aac.mp4 ! qtdemux n

But it is not working..."showing segmentation fault" dump.