View Full Version : QWebFrame empty content with source https javascript in html header

1st December 2012, 11:03

I have strange problem on QT Jambi 4.7.1:
- The qtjambi example HelloWebKit work fine before with url which contain src https javascript in the header.
Ex: <script type="text/javascript" src="https://apis.google.com/js/plusone.js"></script>
- Now all my java programs not able to view or capture content via QWebFrame for url which have https javascript source in the header, or in the body
Ex: <!-- Start Alexa Certify Javascript -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="https://d31qbv1cthcecs.cloudfront.net/atrk.js"></script>
I do some test, instead of loading content from the web, I save to content to local file. The problem appeared the same. If I removed the https line, then it ok.
Please note that recently all my programs work fine with other url does not content https javascript. I don't think this problem related to SSL, and try to find out solution, as these programs worked before.

Thanks in advance,


5th December 2012, 09:19
- I have tried HelloWebKit in new clean installation of other machine on the same network, but the problem still the same. I am not sure what is really root cause for my mentioned issue ? I did not have chance to test with different network, if someone could help ?
- However, I solved my problem partially by replacing the https by http in url. For this I override the createRequest in QNetworkAccessManager.

Thanks for your attention,