View Full Version : QWebView Download?

7th December 2012, 13:17
Hi, I have a problem creating my own Web Browser. I need to know why my browser can't download anything. When I try to download a song or something like this it doesn't download.

Can someone help me please?

thanks!! :)

*I'm using QTCreator 2.5.2 Based on Qt 4.8.2

7th December 2012, 15:04
I need to know why my browser can't download anything.
How are we supposed to know that?

7th December 2012, 15:07
I'd do with the fancy browser, the example browser... and the fancy browser don't download anything

sorry for my poor english, I'm spanish

7th December 2012, 15:12
Look Link (http://doc.qt.digia.com/qt/qwebpage.html#unsupportedContent) and this reply you must download :D i made one browser before 2 months

7th December 2012, 15:25
I'd do with the fancy browser, the example browser... and the fancy browser don't download anything

Maybe your system settings are wrong or you need to go through some proxy which you didn't configure in QWebView?

7th December 2012, 20:28
Have you tried connecting the downloadRequested signal?

7th December 2012, 23:26
How I can do it? I'm beginner yet... :rolleyes:

8th December 2012, 06:11
Read the documentation?

8th December 2012, 14:42
no downloadrequest is shit max you can download link look up to my reply you must use unsupportedcontext