View Full Version : what`s this special document?

16th December 2012, 11:34

I came across this decompiler product today, which is written in Qt. It`s using a very nice ways of displaying code and cross references, using a couple of advanced text-features i`d like to use in my product, too:

first pic:

Note how the column in the textbox are nicely aligned <address><hex numbers><instruction text>. How can i have formatted text columns like that?

a control graph. We are using graphs in our toool, too, using QgraphicsScene + graphvic, etc. However, the connections are not as .... elegant as here. Does anyone know what the author used?

here you can see advanced hover-over, where another portion of the textbox content is shown when hovering over a link of some sort in the tooltip:
-how to create such a link and how to show the hover-over like that?

And the most important question: see the cross-reference lines on the left side of the textbox? Pretty amazing, how can i visualize connection between single rows like that!? Right now we are using a seperate, custom drawn widget to display these lines and draw them int he paintevent().

I had a look at the QDocument(), QTextDocumetn(), QTextFrame(), QTextFrameFormat.., etc and the examples that ship with QtCreator 260, but didnt really find anything.
I am looking for classes of the qt framework that were used to create this.

16th December 2012, 12:12
Note how the column in the textbox are nicely aligned <address><hex numbers><instruction text>. How can i have formatted text columns like that?
Fixed width font and tabulations or HTML.

a control graph. We are using graphs in our toool, too, using QgraphicsScene + graphvic, etc. However, the connections are not as .... elegant as here. Does anyone know what the author used?
Hard to say, it can be anything ranging from a custom widget, QGraphicsView to a custom graphing library.

here you can see advanced hover-over, where another portion of the textbox content is shown when hovering over a link of some sort in the tooltip:
-how to create such a link and how to show the hover-over like that?
It's probably a regular tooltip containing HTML shown using QToolTip::showText() from within tooltip event handler.

And the most important question: see the cross-reference lines on the left side of the textbox? Pretty amazing, how can i visualize connection between single rows like that!?
It's probably a custom widget placed on the left of the viewport of the text edit.

17th December 2012, 14:45
thanks, i ll have a look at all that. :)