View Full Version : Problem with qtconcurrent and signal & slots

18th December 2012, 02:28
My problem is: I have a class that inherits from QObject and a function object for use within the function mapped to run qtconcurrent but is not emitted any signal the threads while it's running. Sorry for my English.

18th December 2012, 03:09
Please post some code.

19th December 2012, 14:22
This is the function that use mapped

Video* Convertir::convertir(Video *v){
if (!v->getError()) {
QString nombre_fichero = QDir::tempPath()+"/"+QFileInfo(v->getDireccion().path()).fileName();

connect(proceso,SIGNAL(readyReadStandardError()),S LOT(procesarSalida()),Qt::DirectConnection);
connect(this,SIGNAL(valorTotal(int)),v->getProgreso(),SLOT(setMaximum(int)),Qt::DirectConn ection);
connect(this,SIGNAL(valorProgreso(int)),v->getProgreso(),SLOT(setValue(int)),Qt::DirectConnec tion);

QString f_conv = QFileInfo(nombre_fichero).baseName()+"."+formato;
QStringList parametros;
if(formato == "avi" && calidad == "Alta"){
parametros << "-i"<< nombre_fichero << "-sameq" << "-vcodec" << "mpeg2video" << "-y" << salida+f_conv;
}else if(formato == "mpg" && calidad == "Alta"){
parametros << "-i"<< nombre_fichero << "-sameq" << "-y" << salida+f_conv;
}else if(formato == "avi" && calidad == "Baja"){
parametros << "-i"<< nombre_fichero << "-vcodec" << "mpeg2video"<< "-y" << salida+f_conv;
parametros << "-i"<< nombre_fichero << "-y" << salida+f_conv;
return v;
This is the function object

class Convierte{

typedef Video* result_type;
Video* operator()(Video *v){
Convertir *conv = new Convertir();
return v;

The first function belongs to the class Convertir and object function is in the Main Window.
Thanks in advance

19th December 2012, 17:04
And what signals are not emitted? How do you know they are not emitted?

20th December 2012, 02:29
It does not emit any signals. I tried to use qDebug () to print any message to signal QProcess issued readyReadStandardError, also I emitted any signal in the slot and print any message and nothing. I have no idea. I can not inherit from QObject in the function object because it says that the Q_OBJECT macro is private and can not be copied or something please help me with this. Thank you for your interest.

20th December 2012, 08:33
It does not emit any signals.
"It" meaning what?

I tried to use qDebug () to print any message to signal QProcess issued readyReadStandardError
Are you expecting anything on stderr?

also I emitted any signal in the slot
I don't see your code emitting any signals.

I can not inherit from QObject in the function object because it says that the Q_OBJECT macro is private and can not be copied or something please help me with this.
Can't help you without seeing the code. I can just assume you were trying to copy a QObject based object.

22nd December 2012, 12:57
that's a pretty obvious memory leak you have in covierte operator()...