View Full Version : Qt::TouchPointStationary problem QT4.8.3

21st December 2012, 13:55
Hey there,

currently i am a bit confused by the flag Qt::TouchPointStationary of QTouchEvent::TouchPoint.
As explained in the docs, this flag should indicate that the touchpoint has not change during the last event.

Now i used the fingerpaint example, that comes with QT and can be found in the example/touch directory.

When investigating all touchpoints of a QTouchEvent, no touchPoint will ever get the flag Qt::TouchPointStationary??

Is this a know bug? I would really be surprised because, for me it seems that some GestureRecognizer absolutely depend on that flag?

Anyone ever experienced the same problem.

NOTE: I tested exactly the same code with QT5.0.0, here it seems to work. There are touchpoints with flag Qt::TouchPointStationary like expected (when no change in data).

Am i missing something specific to QT4.8.3??

I must use QT4.8.3!!

Any help would be greatly appreciated..

22nd December 2012, 10:18
Sorry for the double post,

but i can hardly believe, that no one other ever experienced this?

Any suggestions?