View Full Version : Get QByteArray from QString

21st December 2012, 14:57
Hi all

Look at this code

QString cmd = "some strings here";
long buffer = 2048;
QByteArray array;

I want get first 2048 byte from QString cmd to array in Utf8. Dont know how. Any suggestions?
And when i got first 2048 byte, how to take next bytes.
In QFile is simple

QFile file("file");
QByteArray array = file.read(buffer);
array = file.read(buffer);

Ty for any help.

21st December 2012, 18:03
I want get first 2048 byte from QString cmd to array in Utf8. Dont know how. Any suggestions?

QByteArray array = cmd.toUtf8();

QByteArray first2048Bytes = array.mid( 0, 2048 );
QByteArray second2048Bytes = array.mid( 2048, 2048 );

And when i got first 2048 byte, how to take next bytes.

QByteArray second2048Bytes = array.mid( 2048, 2048 );

In QFile is simple

You can alternatively put array into a QBuffer and use that like the file.
