View Full Version : Multi-threading

27th December 2012, 10:37
Hello guys,

I come here to know about your opinion. I want have 2 threads running in my programm.


Logical code

start running the 2 threads

using the 2 threads

Others dialogs (UI)
using the 2 threads

Is it possible right?

What best method to using this? QT Concurrent, QThreads ... ?

Best Regards,Pedro Lopes

27th December 2012, 10:41
It really depends what you need those threads for.

27th December 2012, 10:53
Thanks for your quick reply.

I would like something as...

1 programm and 2 threads. One thread to GUI and other for worker. The GUI speaks with the worker for her to do something.

For example...

in my mainwindow i have 1 button ("Count to 10000").this button calls the logical thread (logical class) and count to 10000. And simultaneously is showing wait dialog.

27th December 2012, 15:11
yes, this is possible. You should consider QThread and qt concurrent according to your needs.

27th December 2012, 21:53
1 programm and 2 threads. One thread to GUI and other for worker. The GUI speaks with the worker for her to do something.
This still doesn't determine what the worker thread is used for.

in my mainwindow i have 1 button ("Count to 10000").this button calls the logical thread (logical class) and count to 10000. And simultaneously is showing wait dialog.
Well... for that you don't need a worker thread.

2nd January 2013, 16:01
In my mainwindow i have

th = new QThread;
qDebug()<< "ID->" << thread()->currentThreadId();
worker= new Worker(&ClassHasSomethingToDo);

So, as I have above I can get two threads running in simultaneous.

Mainwindow has a button when is clicked, shows a dialog.

This dialog has to communicate with the class(ClassHasSomethingToDo) passed the Worker.

In dialog I have

QInitTokenDialog(ClassHasSomethingToDo*todo, QWidget *parent)
connect(todo, SIGNAL(message(QString)), ui->textEdit, SLOT(setText(QString)));
QMetaObject::invokeMethod(todo, "getMessage", Qt::AutoConnection);

I cant catch the signal emitted by ClassHasSomethingToDo. Why guys?

Thanks for all answers, and sorry my English :P

2nd January 2013, 17:45
How are we supposed to know that? Does your connect() statement return true or false? Do you get any warnings on the console while the program is running?