View Full Version : Create in Qt command script fltk-config

27th December 2012, 19:09
Hello to all. Since some time I'm using the libraries FLTK 1.3.1 (now there is 1.3.2) within QtCreator. In the package of these libraries there is a script (I think) Linux style named fltk-config. It is a kind of ./configure in the new projects Linux/Unix like.
I'd like to be able to make a version that runs under Windows using Qt, so that they can integrate into QtCreator 2.6.0. I put the file in question as an attachment
Can you help me in the enterprise ?

27th December 2012, 19:21
you're asking how to write a makefile or batch script? nothing to do with qt programming is it?

27th December 2012, 19:55
In fact I wish I could turn this into a bash script executable (. Exe) using Qt. It should be something that can be interfaced with qmake

27th December 2012, 20:31
there's nothing in there that I saw that you cant do in a .bat file. where is your qt question?

28th December 2012, 12:04
You're right, analyzing the script, in fact do not need to use Qt, but try to translate it into a script dos. Then the script dos will write in file .pro to Qt.