View Full Version : Formating smar tcard

28th December 2012, 11:02

I have write certificate in smart card , but i have to format and re-write the certificates to it .I have to format smart card by through Qt program linux based . I tried by below command for formatting smart card but i'm unable to format,

pkcs15-init -ECT
pkcs15-init --format
pkcs15-init -f

any one say correct format for formatting smart card .

Thanks in advance

28th December 2012, 11:39
So far, this has nothing to do with Qt.
However, if you are using Debian or Ubuntu Linux, make sure you have the package 'opensc' installed.

29th December 2012, 05:02
I am using Debian linux and i have installed opensc also having pcsclite in my PC

Thanks in advance

29th December 2012, 06:39
Still nothing to do with Qt. If you cannot manipulate the card outside of Qt with the tools available then Qt cannot help and a Qt forum is not the best place to seek help. I suggest you ask on an OpenSC mailing list/forum and provide more information than, "I tried by below command for formatting smart card but i'm unable to format."

31st December 2012, 05:20
I have posted in Opensc forum but i'm nt get reply from them for formatting smart card