View Full Version : edit QLocale

2nd January 2013, 10:43
I've app that I've to add QCalendarWidget. I want both months and days to be in my own language.QLocale seems to be a solution but there are some months that are not written correctly.my questions is how can I modify or re-implement this class to fit my solution?

2nd January 2013, 14:30
Have you checked if it is a problem of the locale setup, e.g. the locale being use not matching your target locale, or the locale not formatting things correctly?


3rd January 2013, 08:49
It matches with the one I need, but the problem is that some of the words are written incorrectly. I need both months and days however some of them are written incorrectly so I want to format them.

7th January 2013, 13:08
That sounds like a bug then.
Can you check the Qt bug tracker if it already knows about it?
It could even contain a solution or workaround already.
