View Full Version : LNK-Error when Compiling QtAssistant

scary hallo
9th January 2013, 15:51

I tried to compile the Qt Assistant from source.
But I got the following Linker-Error:

1>centralwidget.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: class QUrl __thiscall HelpViewer::source(void)const " (?source@HelpViewer@@QBE?AVQUrl@@XZ)" in Funktion ""public: virtual __thiscall CentralWidget::~CentralWidget(void)" (??1CentralWidget@@UAE@XZ)".
1>centralwidget.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: void __thiscall HelpViewer::setSource(class QUrl const &)" (?setSource@HelpViewer@@QAEXABVQUrl@@@Z)" in Funktion ""public: void __thiscall CentralWidget::setSource(class QUrl const &)" (?setSource@CentralWidget@@QAEXABVQUrl@@@Z)".
1>centralwidget.obj : error LNK2019: Verweis auf nicht aufgelöstes externes Symbol ""public: void __thiscall HelpViewer::home(void)" (?home@HelpViewer@@QAEXXZ)" in Funktion ""public: void __thiscall CentralWidget::home(void)" (?home@CentralWidget@@QAEXXZ)".
1>..\..\..\..\bin\assistant.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 3 nicht aufgelöste externe Verweise.

I thought the HelpViewer is derived form QtextBrowser. So why does the linker not find these functions?
Can anybody help me?

I’m on Qt 4.7.1 – VisualStudio2008 with Qt-AddInn 1.1.7.

9th January 2013, 18:44
because you didn't link it properly. try adding the web kit

scary hallo
10th January 2013, 07:29
No, I added ...
Maybe there is an issue with the Qt-AddInn. When I enable WebKit, I got:

ERROR: failed to refresh moc step for remotecontrol_win.h
I have also checked that QtWebKitd4.lib is in the linker settings.
Any ideas?