View Full Version : Problem building QWT5.2.4 with Qt5.0 win32-msvc2012

Kevin Ching
15th January 2013, 18:10

I'm having issue building QWT 5.2.4 SVN 1551 (exported off 5.2.2 tree on 1/15/2013) (same error as QWT5.2.0). My previous environments are:
- QWT 5.2.0 using Qt4.8 with MSVC2010
- QWT5.2.0 using Qt4.5.3 using MSVC2008
and I was able to build those. All above are static build.

Steps in building qwt:
- in command prompt
- goto qwt folder
- run "qmake"
- run "nmake"

The errors I'm getting:
.\qwt_dyngrid_layout.cpp(10) : cannot open include file qwidget.h': no file or directory
.\qwt_layout_metrics.cpp(10) : same as above but for qapplication.h
There are several header files that makefile could not find for some reason

PC: Win7 64bit
compiler: MS Visual Studio 2012 Professional
Qt: 5.0.0 - commercial release (qt-everywhere-commercial-src-5.0.0.zip)
Qt Configuration (static build):
configure -prefix C:\Qt\V5.0.0_win32_msvc2012_static -debug-and-release - commercial -static -nomake tests -nomake examples -nomake demos -nomake tools -opengl desktop -platform win32-msvc2012 -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -mp
- did nmake and nmake install and verified header files + lib file are in the prefix directory
- also added C:\Qt\V5.0.0_win32_msvc2012_static\bin into PATH environment variable

Changes to qwtconfig.pri:
INSTALLBASE = $$dirname(QMAKE_QMAKE)/../qwt-5.2.0
instead of unix{} win32{}

Thanks in advance for the help


16th January 2013, 06:37
I have no plans porting Qwt 5.x or 6.0 - when you are interested in Qt5 you have to use Qwt 6.1.
