View Full Version : Some questions about QtMultimedia

21st January 2013, 22:21
I'm working with video files and there are some things i can't figure how to do:
- Any way to get the video file frame size? (width/height)
-Can i overlay a widget over QVideoWdget?
(i need this because when i change the video file, the QVideoWidget becomes transparent for 1 second, causing a blink effect when opens the next file)
-Any way of play looped video? (i think it can be done with signal, but maybe there is an easier way)

22nd January 2013, 21:25
why don't try GStreamer SDK it's much powerful than what Qt providing .

22nd January 2013, 21:30
why don't try GStreamer SDK it's much powerful than what Qt providing .

And much lower-level ;) And there are no official binaries for Windows available.

@aguayro: Qt 4 or Qt 5?

Video frame size can be queried from the QMediaSource meta-data. Putting a widget over video should work. To loop the video, detect when it's done playing and start it again.

22nd January 2013, 21:36
it's work fine on win boxs !!!
he can use also FFmpeg and works fine too (review source of XBMC http://xbmc.org/)
:) why kaffeine team get back to xine lib ??????????

22nd January 2013, 22:22
He can also use QtMultimedia. No need for external libraries.