View Full Version : Size grip between dock widget and status bar

28th January 2013, 11:50
Hi everyone,

I got some problem with a dock widget and the status bar.

I designed the app using QtCreator designer, and add a series of QDockWidgets, one in the left, one in the bottom, and a third one which is on the right.
The MainWindow also has a status bar with a label and progress bar.

The thing is that when the status bar is shown, the app shows a "size grip" (I don't know if it is the real name) between the dock widget in the bottom and the status bar that I can use and don't changes anything, but when I hide the status bar, the size grip does not show.
I tried to create a new application using the same ui code and configuration, but there is no slider shown...

Anybody has already encountered this situation before ?

When I use only one Dock Widget at the bottom (it takes the full screen width), the size grip does not show...