View Full Version : Irritating message on application output

29th January 2013, 00:26
Hi all!
I have an irritating message on my Application Output in QtCreator console.

nativeResourceForWindow: 'handle' requested for null window or window without handle.
I don't know why it appears. On my previous version of Qt (4.8) everything was fine.
Now I'm using Qt5 5.0.1 RC1 (MinGW), C++11 mode, Windows 7 x64 Professional.
I have searched on Google, and I have not found answer on my question. Can anybody help me?
Thanks in advance!

6th February 2013, 16:49
Have the same problem. My program have more than 10 windows and this message appear only in the constructor one of them . That window have the same structure as others.

9th February 2013, 14:09
This comes from some platform integration code.
nativeResourceForWindow is a function that a QPA (Qt Platform Abstraction) module can provide to offer other points of platform integration (e.g. multimedia backend, printing) access to resources native to the platform.

If you can find a minimal test case that shows this behavior you could report it in the qt-project.org's issue tracking system.
