View Full Version : ActionX added to multiple widgets. How to determine which widget triggered the action

29th January 2013, 15:18
I have an actionX defined in my MainWindow and I have added this action to the context menu of a few treewidgets.
In the MainWindow :: on_actionX_triggered() slot, how can I figure out which treewidget triggered the action?
I've tried the following with not much luck:

void MainWindow::on_actionX_triggered()
qDebug()<<sender(); //outputs: QAction(0xe957dd8)
qDebug()<<sender()->parent(); //outputs: MainWindow(0x28fdfc, name = "MainWindow")

30th January 2013, 00:26
The point of QAction is to represent a consistent action/state can be triggered/seen from multiple places. If you are trying to determine which user of a QAction triggered the action in order to do something different based on that information then you have several different actions.

30th January 2013, 05:02
No, in my case the actions are absolutely the same. What I'm actually trying to do is to execute the same action on a different user/caller.
Here is my exact situation:
I have an action added in a context menu of some treeviews, that changes the icon of a treeviewitem.
So basically, what my action does is:

Now in order to get to that "treeItem", I need to get the parent tree first. In my particular case, only one tree is visible at a time so I'm checking which tree is currently visible and then I'm working my way down to the "treeItem" and apply the action. But I don't like this approach. It seams logical to be able to determine who called the action and not relying on a visibility...
Maybe I'm not thinking in the right direction... I'm open to new suggestions. :)