View Full Version : setting a custom, visual property

30th January 2013, 17:11

Just for fun I set out to make a super-duper, absurdly simple Chess ui in pure QML. There is no computer opponent, not even move validation, but two human players can move pieces around the board -- if no one tries to cheat, it works great. :) I came across a bit of a puzzler while doing it though.

Consider the following:

/* Chessman.qml */

Item {
id: root

property string symbol
property color faction

anchors.centerIn: parent

Text {
text: symbol
color: faction
anchors.centerIn: parent


/* Square.qml */

Rectangle {
id: root

signal clicked()

property Chessman occupant

MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
console.debug(occupant ? occupant.symbol : "No occupant!")

Now, what I tried to do for a given square of the board was this (here, the starting, A8 Rook):

Square {
id: a8
width: board.squareW
height: board.squareH
color: "white"
occupant: Chessman {
symbol: "R"
faction: "red"
onClicked: { ... }

But I could not see my Chessman. I went Googling and found something in the Qt docs that concerned parenting VS properties, and indeed, if I insert "parent: a8" into a8's Chessman code, then voila.

So, my questions are:
1) Is there a better way to do this? Not on a grand scale, I mean to do this particular intended thing. For example, please don't tell me that perhaps the set of squares should populate a model and be shown in a GridView.
2) The real question: given my experience with Chessman, why does the gradient property of Rectangle work the way it does? I thought I was patterning my Chessman property in Square accordingly, but you can SEE the gradient in the parent rectangle after setting it in the same way. Is there something magical going on? Any insight appreciated.

31st January 2013, 10:16
1) Is there a better way to do this? Not on a grand scale, I mean to do this particular intended thing.
There are many possible solutions. One would be to use onOccupantChanged signal and set the parent of the piece there. However personally I don't think the piece should be a child of the square. They should rather be siblings, at least in my opinion.

2) The real question: given my experience with Chessman, why does the gradient property of Rectangle work the way it does? I thought I was patterning my Chessman property in Square accordingly, but you can SEE the gradient in the parent rectangle after setting it in the same way. Is there something magical going on? Any insight appreciated.

I cannot answer that question without seeing what you get. You didn't post any code related to this question.