View Full Version : How to convert QString to float and compare values?

31st January 2013, 10:21
I would like to convert QString values to float and then compare them..

I have used toFloat(), toDouble() , but it is not working.

QString version1 = "2.02.01";
QString version 2 = "2.02.02"
if(version1.toFloat() < version2.toFloat()) // just 2 is returned everytime.


How to resolve it???

31st January 2013, 10:26
A floating point number can have only one decimal point. These have two thus they are not valid floating point numbers.

31st January 2013, 10:36
Could you explain how to compare those two values?
QString version1 = "2.02.01";
QString version 2 = "2.02.02"

Santosh Reddy
31st January 2013, 13:47
There are couple of ways

1. Compare the string directly, character by character
2. Split into substrings, then convert eash substring to integer, then compare the integers.
3. Write a special function to convert into comparable numbers (weights)
4. Just remove the delimiters, then convert to integers, then compare

QString version1 = "2.02.01";
QString version2 = "2.02.02";

version1 = version1.remove(QString("."));

version2 = version2.remove(QString("."));

if(version1.toUInt() < version2.toUInt())

5. Maintain a map table to compare

QString version1 = "2.02.01";
QString version2 = "2.02.02";

QMap<int, QString> map;
map.insert(1, "2.02.01");
map.insert(2, "2.02.02");
if(map.key(version1) < map.key(version2))

31st January 2013, 14:22
If the strings are always compared to that format you can use this function :

int ver2int( QString const &ver )
QStringList m_list = ver.split('.');
int ret_val = 0;

for( int i = 0; i < m_list.size(); i++ )
ret_val = 100*ret_val + m_list.at(i).toInt();

return ver2int;

QString version1 = "2.02.01";
QString version2 = "2.02.02";

if(ver2int(version1) < ver2int(version2))

Not tested, it should work.

Santosh Reddy
31st January 2013, 14:51
Lesiok's example is what I ment in my 3rd bullet, there you go one more example

1st February 2013, 08:32
If they are always in exactly that format, i.e. "n.nn.nn" where n is a digit, then a straight string comparison for less-than, greater-than or equal-to comparison should work.