View Full Version : Receiving Image through serial port in QT

1st February 2013, 02:00
Hi everyone,

I created an image processing GUI in Qt with openCV, where I opened an image from specific path and processed it. Now I am planning to implement like getting an image from serial port and send that image for further processing. I don't have any idea in doing this,. Any help will be appreciated!

void finalv1::openimage()
QString filename=QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this,tr("Load Image"),".",tr("Image Files(*.png *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp)"));
imageop = cvLoadImage(filename.toAscii().data());

void finalv1::on_pushButton_open_clicked()

I provided my code for opening an image and the image is an 'IplImage*'.


Santosh Reddy
1st February 2013, 10:10
Do you already have a serial port access lib, if not select one first. This post lists some useful links


Then using one the library get the file from serial port, save it on disk, and open it as usual.

4th February 2013, 05:08
Hi Santosh,

Is it mandatory to have Qextserialport or some other library to do serial communication in Qt? can't we write in C++ directly without having those libraries?


Santosh Reddy
4th February 2013, 05:14
You can always write using native OS APIs.