View Full Version : Qt5: Plugin Verification Mismatch

1st February 2013, 17:53
Hey All,

I am working on a plugin for Qt Creator. To start out, I just wanted to try out the
sample plugin to make sure there were no issues. Alas, there was.

My system is Ubuntu 12.04 64 Bit.
I'm using Qt5.0.1 and QtCreator 2.6.2.
All Qt4 was removed from the system.

Qt5 was installed with the binary installer
Then QtCreator was built from source via:

~/work/qt_files/qt-creator-2.6.2-src$ mkdir build
~/work/qt_files/qt-creator-2.6.2-src$ cd build
~/work/qt_files/qt-creator-2.6.2-src$ Qt5.0.1/5.0.1/gcc_64/bin/qmake ../qtcreator.pro
~/work/qt_files/qt-creator-2.6.2-src$ make -j 9

It all built just fine. So I'm not sure why I get the error, " ... libErrorTool.so: Plugin verification data mismatch ..."
Everything is built against Qt5. I've read things about the Q_PLUGIN_METADATA macro being related to this,
but I'm not fully sure what that does (I've looked for reading on it), so if someone could explain that, I would really appreciate it.

Any advice is appreciated.

edit: I do have the Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2(MyPlugin, MyPluginPlugin) included at the end of the source.

4th March 2013, 23:13
Q_EXPORT_PLUGIN2 is deprecated: https://qt-project.org/wiki/Transition_from_Qt_4.x_to_Qt5
Use only Q_PLUGIN_METADATA and check if it works.