View Full Version : QJson

20th February 2013, 13:15
Hello i have been Googleing for what seems like days.
And i can`t find any good help on this.

I am currently trying to use QJson and i cant for figuer it out "How To?".
I downloaded the version from source forge i have seen the link to troltech a milion times. (Its dead...).
Anyways i have noticed that in my QtSDK folder i have QJson in Symbian.

I want this to be cross platform atleast over Windows, Mac, Linux.
Can anyone please point me in the correct direction documentation, tutorials or any input at all.
Is greatly aprichiated at this point i think am becoming hair less here, hehe.

Am currently on a Windows 7 x64 machine.
With QtSDK 4.8 using QtCreator with MinGW. At this point i have not goten anything to work.
I dont know what to add in my *.pro file, or my *.cpp\*.h so as you may have guesed am clue less.


20th February 2013, 13:20
Are you need to use 4.8? If not, Qt 5 has http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-5.0/qtcore/json.html.

20th February 2013, 20:08
Ok so just to clerefy its not implemented before 5.0?
Thanks alote the link helpt alote since i hadent been able to find this.
But probeboly becuse i was searching under 4.8.

I was hoping i could stick to 4.x until a new book came out.
But i hope\ think i`le manage :p


20th February 2013, 20:25
Qt5 API is 90% backward compatible with Qt4, so you can safely play with Qt5 "using a Qt4 book".

20th February 2013, 22:54
Oki great :) thanks for your reply am installing 5.0.1 now.
