View Full Version : qtScrollDial and QLCDNumber communication

25th February 2013, 13:39
Let's consider this case\

I have three QtScrollDials, each representing one digit of a float number. the last one is for after-the-point digit.
I also have one QLCDNumber, what I am preferring to do is
when the operator sets each of these three QtScrollDials, the related digit in the QLCDNumber is changed accordingly.

26th February 2013, 00:09
I'm sure you can figure out how to update a number when its hundreds, tens, ones, and tenths change, so...

(I assume you're referring to the QtScrollDial demo widget)

Attach a slot to the dial's signal used to indicate a value change ( valueChanged(int) ), in that slot, get the current value of the QLCDNumber widget, update it appropriately, and then set the value back into the QLCDNumber widget.

27th February 2013, 07:17
I have a problem here, I have 3 QtScrollDials inside X class. I edited the updateLabel slot of QtScrollDials class so when it updates the label it also sends a signal to X class, so that I can get its value and set my QLCDNumber accordingly.

void QtScrollDial::updateLabelValue()
emit updateDisplaySignal_valueChangedDahgan(value());

The problem I have is that I have 3 dials, not one, for each of these dials I need to emit 3 different signals so that I can understand which dial sent the signal.
do have any idea how I can do that?

27th February 2013, 07:27
Read aout QObject::sender

27th February 2013, 07:49
Read aout QObject::sender

this is QtScrollDial SLOT:

void QtScrollDial::updateLabelValue()

emit updateDisplaySignal_valueChanged(value());

Inside X class
let's connect all 3 QtScrollDials to the above signal:

connect(myScrollDial, SIGNAL(updateDisplaySignal_valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollPopUp_valueChanged(int)));
connect(myScrollDial_2, SIGNAL(updateDisplaySignal_valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollPopUp_valueChanged(int)));
connect(myScrollDial_3, SIGNAL(updateDisplaySignal_valueChanged(int)), this, SLOT(scrollPopUp_valueChanged(int)));

inside the Slot I write this

QObject *sender = QObject::sender();
qDebug() << sender->objectName();

Everytime I run the program, sender gives me different addresses, and object name prints null.

27th February 2013, 09:33
You don't need sender name. Just compare sender address to myScrollDial, myScrollDial_2 and myScrollDial_3 to detect which digit You must change.