View Full Version : Wrong sequence of evaluation of java scripts

25th February 2013, 13:52
I'm working on extension of functionality of a web browser based on Qt Webkit. The goal is to add support for some unsupported HTML5 features. I'm using qt-everywhere-opensource-src-4.8.0 distribution. The target platform is embedded.

I have a web application which I use for test purposes. Usually this application loads successfully in my browser and works fine. But from time to time I encounter such kind of error: "TypeError: 'undefined'". On all desktop browsers on which I had a chance to test this web application it works without any problems.

After some investigation I found out that these errors are related to a wrong sequence of execution of javascripts in <head> section of the main html file. I just added a debug at the beginning of each script which presents in <head> section and I got the following result:

This is part of my html file:

<script src="javascript/framework/icons.js"></script>
<script src="javascript/framework/hnav.js"></script>
<script src="javascript/framework/browserDetect.js"></script>
<script src="javascript/framework/inputMgr.js"></script>
<script src="javascript/framework/key.js"></script>
And here is what I have on console:

evaluating icons.js
evaluating inputMgr.js
evaluating key.js TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'Twc.browserDetect.isMoto')
So it seems that hnav.js and browserDetect.js were just skipped for some reason.

Again, usually the application loads successfully in my browser. But sometimes I face such problem and of course as a result the application is not loaded.

Thanks in advance for any help.