View Full Version : QTreeWidget insert item indicator when reimplementing drag and drop

4th March 2013, 16:22
Hi all,

I've reimplemented the drag/drop behavior of my QTreeWidget (mousePressEvent, mouseMoveEvent, dragEnterEvent, ...) and it works quite as I wanted but I don't know how to show an insert indicator.

This is what I want : When using the built in drag and drop behavior of the QTreeWidget in the mode QAbstractItemView::InternalMove, when an item will be inserted between two others, a wonderful line appears between them indicating where the dragged item will be dropped.

How can I do that ?

Thanks in advance !

2nd June 2013, 15:12

I have two classes inherited from QTreeWidget. I want to drag and drop an item from first treewidget to next treewidget. How I will implement it? Any sample working code, please upload
