View Full Version : qstring

11th March 2013, 08:43
qString str=“Hi my name is Dave, I am using Qt to do my project.”

Can I use some thing like * or ?
str2="hi my name is ?, I am using ? to do my project."

if I compare str2 with str, It should give me Dave and Qt. Something like string Template match.
Please guide.
Thank you

11th March 2013, 10:01
See QRegExp

12th March 2013, 04:21
QString str="my name is dave";
QRegExp rx("my name is *");
int pos = 0;
while ((pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos)) != -1) {
qDebug()<< rx.capturedTexts();

qDebug() << rx.cap(1);
pos += rx.matchedLength();

This is not working...please help...thank you

12th March 2013, 06:10
In order to capture parts of the matched text you need to mark the parts you want in the expression with capturing parentheses. Capturing parentheses are not part of the QRegExp::Wildcard matching scheme, you need to use the default regular expression mode.

See Capturing Text in the friendly manual.

12th March 2013, 06:30
Thanks Chris...
I removed rx.setPatternSyntax(QRegExp::Wildcard)...
and modified as below...still I am unable to get my required answer that is Dave.

QRegExp rx("my name is ((s*))");

I Even tried //s*. w*...
Not getting...Regex is too hard.

12th March 2013, 08:20
((s*)) means "any number of "s" characters". Is that really what you want?

12th March 2013, 08:34
QString str="my name is dave. I am learning QT";
QRegExp rx("my name is (\\w*). I am learning (\\w*)");

working fine....
I am able to extract dave and Qt

12th March 2013, 08:39
You need escape characters before special characters in regexp, or they'll be treated as plain characters.
Don't forget to escape escape character in code :D
For your example:

QString str="my name is dave";
QRegExp rx("my name is (\\w+)");
int pos = 0;

while ((pos = rx.indexIn(str, pos)) != -1) {
qDebug() << rx.capturedTexts();
qDebug() << rx.cap(1);

pos += rx.matchedLength();
Also there's site that I use when trying to come up with particular regexp, hope you find it useful:

13th March 2013, 07:17
the string read from the file is below
reject tcp any any -> any any (content:"twitter.com";msg:"TWITTER1 BEING ACESSED";sid:41325;rev:001;)

QRegExp re("(\\w*) tcp (\\w*) any -> any any \\(content:((\"([A-Za-z0-9_\\./\\-$\\s]*)\"));msg:((\"([A-Za-z0-9_\\./\\-$\\s]*)\"));sid:(\\w*);");

while((pos=re.indexIn(str, pos))!=-1){

list << re.cap(1);//gives first field from string
list << re.cap(2);//gives 3rd field
list << re.cap(3);//gives content
list << re.cap(6);//gives msg
list << re.cap(9);//gives sid



The above regex gives me reject, any, twitter.com, twitter being accessed, 41325
but for that i have to choose 1,2,3,6,9 fields out of the re.cap coz the line has multiple line of quotes.

but the same doesn't work for the below string
alert tcp any -> any any (content:"www.gmail.com";msg:"gmail being ACCESSED";sid:41330;rev:001;)

please help

13th March 2013, 07:57
I suggest you used a number of simple regexps instead of one complex one trying to capture everything.
For example your string is "word word ip word -> word word parenthesized_expr"
So I would captured it like that (double backslashes omitted for clarity)
Then take a look at parenthesized_expr (which is in your capture group 7)
(content:"address";msg:"text";sid:num;rev:num; )
Then write a couple of regexps, like "content:\"([A-Za-z0-9_\./\-$\s]*)\"" and others.
Divide and conquer :D

13th March 2013, 08:12
Do you expect "\\w*" to match ""? You have a few redundant sets of () in the expression that make it uglier than it needs to be.

Try these (you will have to escape the backslashes in C++):


Move some parentheses if you want the quotes that surround content and msg to be captured. If acceptable for your purposes you could run QString::simplified() over the test string first and remove the need to look for repeated whitespace separators.

13th March 2013, 09:36
Thanks Cris I realized after posting that...now using this 1..its serving my purpose...but its ugly..I am trying ur suggestions

QRegExp re("(\\w*) tcp ([a-zA-Z0-9.]*) any -> any any \\(content:((\"([A-Za-z0-9._:\\./\\-$\\s]*)\"));msg:((\"([A-Za-z0-9_\\./\\-$\\s]*)\"));sid:(\\w*);")