View Full Version : Tray menu doesn't work on Mac

11th March 2013, 15:54
I've made an application that makes use of system tray. It works fine in windows, but on Mac for some reason I am unable to open up its context menu when clicking it. Any suggestions?

void MainWindow::setTray() {
aboutA = new QAction("About", this);
settingsA = new QAction("Settings", this);
quitA = new QAction("Quit", this);

// trayMenu->addAction(settingsA);

connect(quitA, SIGNAL(triggered()), qApp, SLOT(quit()));
connect(settingsA, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onSettings()));
connect(aboutA, SIGNAL(triggered()), this, SLOT(onAbout()));



Oh and it seems to throw a warning upon compiling

QObject::connect: No such slot QSystemTrayIcon::emitActivated

I am unable to build and run the application though, but the context menu doesn't show :(

14th March 2013, 13:22
^^ sorry I meant I was able to build the application

Any ideas guys?

14th March 2013, 21:53
The run time (not compile) warning "QObject::connect: No such slot QSystemTrayIcon::emitActivated " is exactly what it says. QSystemTrayIcon has no slot called emitActivated(). The code you show doesn't contain the failing connect() call. Does that exist in your code?

14th March 2013, 22:09
Yup, as mentioned it compiles without that error and runs/works brilliantly on windows

14th March 2013, 23:03
I assume Qt 5 as the particular connect() to emitActivated() does not seem to exist in Qt 4.8. Try it with Qt 4.8 on the Mac and see if that works. I don't have a Mac to do this with.

If 4.8 works and 5.0 does not then raise it as a regression bug on the Qt bug tracker. Make sure you provide a small, self-contained program that demonstrates the problem, quote the warning exactly, and suggest that it may come from qtbase/widgets/util/qsystemtrayicon_qpa.cpp in QSystemTrayIconPrivate::install_sys(). I would hazard a guess that the failure to connect is causing the failure to open the menu.

Also try the snippet of code in QTBUG-26841