View Full Version : Changing name of a Widget/Dialog (Designer form with Class)

15th March 2013, 19:07
In QtCreator you can easily change name of a class by refactor option, but the problem arise when there is an ui file with your class (Designer form with class). I've never done that easily!! It seems that refactoring option in Creator is not working properly in this case. So exactly except .h and .cpp files where are other places which i have to change the class name???

15th March 2013, 20:29
Only the .ui file (and of course, any other .cpp or .h files that use your widget). You can either open the ui file in Qt Designer and change it there, or edit the file manually in a text editor.

After you do that, be sure to delete the old moc_*.cpp files and do a clean rebuild of your project.

15th March 2013, 20:46
oK :) will try that :)