View Full Version : PyQwt Curve dataset immutable? No setRawData?

19th March 2013, 13:12
Just wondering if there's any possible way to prevent copying the curve dataset as happens in the QwtPlotCurve::setData call. I see PyQwt doesn't export setRawData and as far as I know, the underlying QwtPlotCurve arrays are immutable at least from my particular vantage point.

In building a real-time plot with a lot of curves in PyQwt, I'm starting to notice a lot of contention each time I need to add points to my curves. I'm using python's list(), but I don't think numpy arrays would help (as the copy should still happen).

Any ideas are welcome and much appreciated.

19th March 2013, 13:53
setRawData is only a leftover from very early Qt versions ( Qt 2 or 3 - I can't remember ) where Qt containers were not implicitly shared. Don't care about it much as you have more or less the same when using Qt containers.


19th March 2013, 17:15
Hi Uwe, thanks for your response. So I take it, I should try to see if i can manage or at least access a mutable container QwtCurve uses?