View Full Version : Read multiple QlistWidget items to strings

21st March 2013, 20:53
Hi, i'm working on a program where i ask a user to input certain line edits that are added as a QlistWidget item when the user clicks add. I want to able to get the QlistWidget items(line edits) and save them as a string. I see no direct way of doing this in the qlistwidget library. So far I'm passing the items to a string but not able to get them each individually.

Here's the snippet of my program where I try to do this:

//Get user inputs
int names = ui->listWidget->count();
for(int i = 0; i <= names; i++){
QString list = ui->listWidget->item(i)->text();

Does anyone have an illustration or example doing something similar or the same thing?

Thanks in advance.

22nd March 2013, 22:24
What do you want - all of the items concatenated into a single string, or each item as a separate string in a list of strings?

To do the first:

//Get user inputs
QString allNamesInOneString;
int names = ui->listWidget->count();
for(int i = 0; i < names; i++)
allNamesInOneString += ui->listWidget->item(i)->text();

To do the second:

//Get user inputs
QStringList allNamesAsAList;
int names = ui->listWidget->count();
for(int i = 0; i < names; i++)
allNamesAsAList << ui->listWidget->item(i)->text();

Note that your original code attempts to retrieve one too many items from the list widget. List widget item indexes go from 0 to count() - 1, not count().

28th March 2013, 09:11
What do you want - all of the items concatenated into a single string, or each item as a separate string in a list of strings?

To do the first:

//Get user inputs
QString allNamesInOneString;
int names = ui->listWidget->count();
for(int i = 0; i < names; i++)
allNamesInOneString += ui->listWidget->item(i)->text();

To do the second:

//Get user inputs
QStringList allNamesAsAList;
int names = ui->listWidget->count();
for(int i = 0; i < names; i++)
allNamesAsAList << ui->listWidget->item(i)->text();

Note that your original code attempts to retrieve one too many items from the list widget. List widget item indexes go from 0 to count() - 1, not count().

Thanks for the reply, however I need the text to be read in dynamically at run time. I want to save all the text the user enters to a database dynamically and not as a list but as a seperate string for each item. I have something like this which takes the input from a grid layout and saves it each time a user clicks add but is not really ideal if you want to delete an item...

static int LayoutCount;

QLineEdit *lineEdit = new QLineEdit;

ui->gridLayout->addWidget( lineEdit,LayoutCount,0 );

int iCount = ui->gridLayout->count(); //Total no of LineEdit added on gridLayout dynamically
QString str;
for(int i = 0; i < iCount; i++)
QLayoutItem* pLine = ui->gridLayout->itemAt(i);
QLineEdit* pLineEdit = dynamic_cast<QLineEdit*>(pLine->widget()); //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

if(pLineEdit != 0) //<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
str = pLineEdit->text();
qDebug() << str;

This works for only saving the item, could you please show me how to improve this to also allow for the deletion of an item?

29th March 2013, 00:32
Problem solved haha so simple, thanks for helping anyways!