View Full Version : Dealing with some GUI troubles on Windows 7 and Aero Glass

25th March 2013, 15:02
Hi there! I am having a little trouble and looking for some help!
The problem is the following:
I'm trying to get running an Aero Glass interface. I have found the way to make the windows transparent, and now i'm trying to get running other aspects...
Take a look at this picture in what you can see how the "Frame" line is natively in Windows 7, and then in the second one, how it looks in my own window!...



If someone knows how to deal with frames, obviously avoiding using images and trying to make all the most natively possible, i am all ears!


25th March 2013, 16:10
Have a look at QStylSheets (http://qt-project.org/doc/qt-4.8/stylesheet.html).