View Full Version : Manually RGB Point Drawing

27th March 2013, 14:54
Hi everyone, I've been asked to develop a simple BMP Image Editor, with basic functions as rotation and color transformation. The only restriction I have is that all this have to be developed by myself so I won't be able to use libraries that makes this process automatically.

Also, I've been asked to show the picture that the user wants to edit ...

I don't have problems to develop rotating/loading/saving the picture manually, but when showing up, Can I put a "Frame" or a "widget" (I don't know wich term is the right one) in the middle of my window (a common GUI window) so I can "read" the picture byte by byte and draw it to that frame setting up the RGB palette for each point of it?

Thanks for reading!

28th March 2013, 11:38
You can put a QLabel inside your window.
QLabel has setPixmap method, which allows you to specify QPixmap that is being displayed on a label(it's a bit strange to use QLabel for that purpose, but it's a common way).
QPixmap in turn can be used as paint device for QPainter or converted to QImage for per-pixel access.