View Full Version : inconsistant doubleclick edit behavior with qtableview

28th March 2013, 12:46
A QTableView is not sending it's doubleClicked signal every time it is double clicked...the behavior is erratic. Sometimes it will work a few times in a row, sometimes it won't work at all or perhaps every other time. I have a QItemDelegate::createEditor method, and I'm using EditTrigger::DoubleClick as an edit trigger for the view.

I put print statements in the createEditor method and a method I connect the doubleClicked signal to and they confirm createEditor is only invoked when doubleClicked is sent, however that signal is just not being sent, therefor the mouse event is either being ignored or is not being caught by the right object.

I installed an event filter on the view and its parent just to put a print statement it...nothing prints.

Looking for advice on how to proceed troubleshooting this. Many Thanks.

29th March 2013, 01:45
Post a small, self-contained, compilable program that demonstrates the problem.