View Full Version : Problems with QPrinter with custom pageSize

28th January 2007, 13:01
Hi all.
I'm using Qt-4.2.2 version and when I pass to QPrinter object for pageSize the QPrinter::custom value it generates incorrect postscript file. Does anybody know about this problem. If yes please tell me a right solution ASAP.


29th January 2007, 16:18
Hi again,

I have investigated and found that if I pass to QPrinter custom value for pageSize it generates too big papers (when I call newPage()).

Please explain me how can I set QPrinter's paper sizes with custom pageSize (if I don't want to use standard pageSizes: A1, A2, ..., B1, B2, .......).

Thanks in advance.

25th June 2007, 04:23
How about setting the PPK_PaperRect property of the QPrintEngine of the QPrinter to the custom paper size you want ?

I'd like to be able to do the same thing.

Let me know if this works