View Full Version : How to manage windows efficiently?

11th April 2013, 21:01
Hello everybody i need help with managing different windows.
I am using qt creator and i've used the UI Designer to draw two different screens.
One is my mainwindow and the other screen is called waveforms

I want that, when i click a button in the maindow the waveformscreen opens and when i click a button the waveformscreen the mainwindow comes back.

I've tried to do it this way:
At mainwindow button onclicked slot:
Waveform *W;
W = new Waveform();

And at the waveform slot i don't know what to do.

This approach is probably wrong, could someone enlight me please?


12th April 2013, 19:43
If you show W fullscreen, why hide the first window?
If you just keep it here you can simply close W to get back to the first window
