View Full Version : Problems of a complete newbie: Creator and non-Qt apps

12th April 2013, 14:26
I am new here, so I would like to say hello to others :) Now, the problem:

I''ve just started using Creator and I tried to compile and run code examples in it. Qt examples work fine but when I tried to compile and run the non-Qt C code (the simpliest "Hello world" possible), the code builds OK and then I got:

Cannot connect creator comm socket /tmp/qt_temp.j21061/stub-socket: No such file or directory

What I need to set? Debian Wheezy, KDE, 64 bit, Qt 4.8.2

15th April 2013, 16:42
I think it's a bug. It's logged at https://bugreports.qt-project.org/browse/QTCREATORBUG-6007.

Sorry if this doesn't help.


16th April 2013, 06:04
Thanks Norman, the log hinted the correct direction of searching :)

In Qt Creator is "run in terminal" command x-terminal-emulator -e Such thing does not exist on my machine (Debian Wheezy, KDE). After changing the run command to xterm -e the app started running.

16th April 2013, 08:05
Morning Radek,

glad to hear you are sorted. HAve fun and enjoy Qt.
