View Full Version : how to use a project as a library in another project

15th April 2013, 15:11

I have here the ocsync project that i have already compiled it on qt . I am asking about how can i use it as a library in my project .
Generally the question is how to use a project as library in another project in Qt [my Qt is Qt Creator 2.5.0 Based on Qt 4.8.1 (64 bit)] and my Os is openSUSE

15th April 2013, 16:15
You have to create shared library with it. In QtCreator just Create a library and add you classes and dont forget about macros.

16th April 2013, 15:23
Hello again , well i added the .so file to my project that is located externally but when i try to include it it says that the file does not exists #include<csync.h> "no such file or directory"

Santosh Reddy
16th April 2013, 15:33
Two things are required in pro file.

1. Include path of header files

INCLUDEPATH += mylib/src/inc

2. Library binary file path

LIBS += mylib/bin/lib.so

16th April 2013, 15:40
apparently the problem was fixed by doing this #include <ocsync/csync.h> sorry for disturbing you and thanks a lot