View Full Version : QT 5 64 bits - Why VS 2012 and not VS2010 ?

18th April 2013, 09:32

I've take a look at the new QT 5 packages and the 32 bits version is build with VS2010 but the 64 bits with VS2012 !!
It seems to me inconsistent... but...

I'm looking for "QT 5 - 64 bits - VS2010", does someone know where I can got it ?


18th April 2013, 22:29

19th April 2013, 08:44
Thanks a lot,

It is the source code ! You mean I have to compile it by myself ? It is always possible but my past experience showed that it is a real pain :-P

19th April 2013, 21:33
yes, compile it yourself :) it used to be that you couldn't get built (windows) libs unless you had commercial license.

19th April 2013, 23:30
Yes, build it your self or download the vs2012 compilers in Visual Studio Express 2012.

20th April 2013, 13:59
you can only use studio2012 express on win8!

21st April 2013, 09:50
You sound surprised! They also took the command line compilers out of the Windows SDK especially for Windows 8

21st April 2013, 14:20
no, not surprised. Just pointing out to others in case they try to use it on win7.

23rd April 2013, 09:58
Thanks for all your answer,

But why are they not compiling it with VS2010, it is completely stupid !!!!! All the libraries are in VS2010, except this one !!!
Really, I don't understand why they don't provide an official build ?

23rd April 2013, 21:07
Possibly because that was what the volunteer that built the 64 bit version had available, maybe because the 64 bit Vs 2010 compiler is broken in some way, perhaps it's easier to build the various third-party libs using the 2012 compiler. You'd have to ask the volunteer directly.

23rd April 2013, 23:05
But why are they not compiling it with VS2010, it is completely stupid !!!!! All the libraries are in VS2010, except this one !!!
Really, I don't understand why they don't provide an official build ?

Is that a problem to build it yourself?

24th April 2013, 17:41
Sure it is :-(

In my dream... I just simply "double click" and QT 5 64 bits VS 2010 is installed :-D

24th April 2013, 21:18
Sure it is :-(
Why so?

In my dream... I just simply "double click" and QT 5 64 bits VS 2010 is installed :-D
Well... I'd like to have a button that would go to work instead of me for eight hours a day.