View Full Version : Send data to parent process in Qt

20th April 2013, 15:39
I have an application where i launched a process (using QProcess) , from this process i need to send a message to parent process.

from parent

int msgid = msgget(0x1234,IPC_CREAT|0666);
char str[50];
qDebug() << "waiting for msg ";
msgrcv(msgid,str,sizeof str,0,0);

if (!strcmp(str,"sender")){
/*do some processing */

from the child

int msgid = msgget(0x1234,IPC_CREAT|0666);
char str[]="sender";
qDebug() << "sending for msg ";

i am getting a msg "waiting for msg" and system is going to hang. what is the problem?

how else will pass msg from one process to other.


20th April 2013, 16:12
what does your code have to do with Qt?

Look at QProcess for reading standard / error output