View Full Version : embed qt exe in external application

5th May 2013, 07:59
I am trying to embed QT mainwindow's example of menus provided with the QT4.8.4 examples.
When I run QT's menus.exe independently ,it works fine.
Now I make a dialog based application in MFC and retrieve the running process id of menus.exe.
I change the parent of menus.exe hwindow to the mfc's dialog and use MoveWindow to move the menus.exe above the mfc dialog.

I am able to capture keyboard and right click events properly but I am not able to click on file menu or any other menu.
when i do Alt+F for file menu; the internal menu items are shown at top left corner of my laptop.
Basically the mouse left click events are not going proper when we change the parent window of the qt exe to the mfc dialog control.

PLease help me out in resolving the issue.