View Full Version : QSyntaxHighlighter setting color phisically to document

1st February 2007, 12:52

I found out that the synthaxhighlighter is not changing the color of the document phisically
and i cannot access these colors from the doc. When i set the color via :


and i have the highlighter applied the display color in the editor is not changed, but
in the doc on that location the color is stored, so when i use this color in print preview
it is visible. The problem is that i want to use the colors from the highlighter, but these colors are not stored into the document. Does anybody have a solution for my problem?

I am looking forward for your help.

Thank you.

1st February 2007, 14:32
I have found out that this is a bug:


If anyone knows how to go around this bug and get to the colors, i would very appreciate
your help.
