View Full Version : How to implement Qt applicationfrom taking inputs from 4x4 matrix keypad

29th May 2013, 11:56
enum Qt::key provides values for normal desktop keyboard, but for a application to run on a processor based board with 4x4 matrix keypad ....in what way can the inputs be mapped to the Qt application...the Qt based keypad drivers have been compile for the specific processor as well, but finding difficulty in getting the required output...please help

29th May 2013, 13:57
is their any way to change the enum Qt::key values...

Santosh Reddy
29th May 2013, 14:49
Qt based keypad drivers have been compile for the specific processor as well
If those driver are Qt based then the driver should provide the key map of the keyboard.

29th May 2013, 21:03
The typical approach would be for the operating system driver for the keypad to generate whatever standard key code values the operating system would typically generate for the keys 0..9 and A..F. Then everything else on the system will see the keypad as just another keyboard. Qt, X11 etc do not need to be changed.

30th May 2013, 08:19
enum Qt::key values are available.....but the 4x4 keypad has got 0-9 and up,down,right,left,menu,ok key functions

with the standard Qt::key values signaled from the 4x4 keypad the Qt application isn't taking up the functionalities required...

so is their anyway to change keyPressed event that is takincare of in normal system to be customised....to solve my problem