View Full Version : refresh form after adding a widget

2nd February 2007, 10:13
Hello everyone,

I'm trying to add a QGLWidget inside a QMainWindow, after the first "show()".

The code looks like that :

_window = new QMainWindow;

and inside a slot (when I push a button) :

myGLWidget *glwidget=new myGLWidget(_ui.centralwidget);
glwidget->setGeometry(QRect(20, 200, 660, 680));

when, I put the myGLWidget before _window->show(), the widget is displayed, but, when inside the slot, it is like nothing appened...

-> Is there a method (show, refresh, update.. ?) to force my QGLWidget to show itself?


2nd February 2007, 10:19
Yes, call show() on the gl widget just like you did for the main window.

2nd February 2007, 10:40
Thanks a lot, ... I thought I already tried "show()" and that's why I posted here.
Well it works anyway, thank you again!