View Full Version : Change properties of delegates in ListView

12th June 2013, 19:48
Hello everyone,

even though I am quite new in this community, I hope that someone can help me with a huge problem for me.

I am trying to change the opacity of a delegate, but I have no idea how to adress it.

How can I change the opacity of a certain delegate, when I click the MouseArea?

Thanks for the help!

The Fraction:

ListView {
id: imageList

property int selection: 0

anchors.centerIn: parent
width: 75
height: 500
spacing: 80

FolderListModel {
id: imageFolderModel
showDirs: true
folder: "/opt/org.seadot.desktop/qml/Apps/"
nameFilters: [ "*.svg" ]

Component {
id: imageFileDelegate

Item {
id: launcherItem
width: 75
height: 75
sourceSize.width: 75
sourceSize.height: 75
source: "file:///opt/org.seadot.desktop/qml/Apps/"+fileName+"/icon.svg"

MouseArea {
anchors.fill: parent

onClicked: {
imageList.selection = index;
imageList.model.opacity = 0.5

model: imageFolderModel
delegate: imageFileDelegate

13th June 2013, 09:05
Add a property in ListView and refer to that property from within the delegate.

ListView {
id: lv
property real delegateOpacity: 0.5

model: ...

delegate: Rectangle {
opacity: delegateOpacity
// ...

14th June 2013, 11:23
Thanks, that was the solution!

Really appreciate it!