View Full Version : qtlist Query

13th June 2013, 10:42
I have x, y variables that are constantly changing
Only when user clicks a button will the x, y variable at that time be stored in array

Created button & linking to function ->no problem

not sure how to go about the array part
this is my code:

QList<int> ArrayX;
QList<int> ArrayY;

void my_qlabel::transferValues()
//counter initialised to 0 in constructor
Counter += 1;
ArrayX[Counter] = x;
ArrayY[Counter] = y;

Is the array Declared properly (array Has to be dynamic as it can increase as many time user pushes button)
Do I have to use the .append???

please provide me with sample code on qlist if possible?


13th June 2013, 11:05
Call the append() method or the push_back() method or use the << operator

ArrayX << x;
ArrayY << y;

Might be even better to have only one list and have it store a structure that holds two values, e.g. a list of QPoint


13th June 2013, 11:06
Yes you have to use append(). You don't need a counter.
Just do this -


//To access

13th June 2013, 11:25

Once array is completed its written to a file.txt

I need it to iterate through the list
& once completed all arrays must be cleared.

This is what I got so far:

...//open file usual way
...//create cout->stream
QTextStream stream(&file);

stream << Counter << "\n";

//prints to file -> x, y
int i = 0;
while(i <= Counter)
stream << ArrayX[i] << "\t" <<ArrayY[i] << "\n";

Is the output (stream) syntax correct
Need a counter for iterating while printing to file, Correct?
qDeleteAll() example, pls

output should be:
[Total points]
[list of points on seperate lines]

Thanks for the quick response:)

13th June 2013, 12:16
int i = 0;
while( i < ArrayX.count() ) // ArrayX.size() also gives the total number of items

Make sure the ArrayX.count() & ArrayY.count() are equal if you are using values of both the arrays inside while.

13th June 2013, 13:30
Im not sure if data is being stored in my array.
and when Itry to create a file displaying array --- program crashes

Heres my code: for sending array variables to filestream
my feeling the error is in this statement, not sure how to fix it?

int i = 0;
while( i <= ArrayX.count() )
stream << ArrayY[i] << "\t" << ArrayX[i] << endl;

setting variables in array as above reply/post thread

please help

13th June 2013, 13:35
Bound check : i < ArrayX.count()

13th June 2013, 14:02
Make sure the ArrayX.count() & ArrayY.count() are equal if you are using values of both the arrays inside while.

Indeed. Hence my earlier suggestion to use a single array that contains both values in each entry :)

qDeleteAll() example, pls

What for? Your containers (lists) do not contain any pointers.


13th June 2013, 14:15
Yes anda_skoa, you were spot on. He should probably use list of QPoint like you mentioned. But my answer was for the current situation :)