View Full Version : QSerialPortInfo Broken

21st June 2013, 15:23
Has anyone else migrated from the playground version of the serial port library to the latest version pointed to by git?

git clone git://gitorious.org/qt/qtserialport.git

The QSerialPortInfo version of SerailPortInfo is broken pretty bad. In the past you could do the following to identify all serial port devices which had hardware.

for (int x=0; x < 4; x++)
pName.sprintf("ttyS%d", x);
SerialPortInfo sp(pName);

if (sp.portName().length() > 0)
FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Found Serial port: " << qPrintable(sp.portName());

Now, even all of these tests give you nothing but trash.

for (int x=0; x < 4; x++)
pName.sprintf("ttyS%d", x);
QSerialPortInfo sp(pName);

if (!sp.isNull())
if (sp.isValid())
if (sp.portName().length() > 0)
FILE_LOG(logINFO) << "Found Serial port: " << qPrintable(sp.portName());

Two questions:

1) Is that git link where to get the latest/official version? I asked that question before and was deafened by the volume of silence that responded.:(

2) Is there some other "official" way to use this library to identify /dev entries which actually have serial hardware to support them?:confused: