View Full Version : Writing a XML file

5th February 2007, 12:40
I would like to create and write into XML file. The file should look like this:

<platform type=something>
<type id=something></type>
<style type=something></style>
<level id=something></level>
<effort unit=something>something</effort>
<description>something </description>

<platform type=something os=something>
<activated status=something></activated>
<trace use_automatic=something></trace>
<debug use_automatic=something></debug>

<compilation type=something" default=something>
<compilation type=something>

<platform type=something os=something>
<activated status=something></activated>
<trace use_automatic=something></trace>
<debug use_automatic=something></debug>

<compilation type=something default=something>
<compilation type="release">

Now, I have successfully created XML file and wrote tcdescription tag with this code:

QDomDocument doc("XML");
QDomElement root=doc.createElement("tcdescription");
doc.appendChild(root); and wrote it to QTextStream and to qfile. But I don't know how to create "platform" tag. I know that I need to do with QDomelement, but I am kind of stuck, and couldn't find the solution in documentation. Any ideas how to create "platform" tag, as an element child to "tcdescription" tag?

5th February 2007, 13:10
QDomDocument doc("xml");
QDomElement root = doc.createElement("tcdescription");
QDomElement platform = doc.createElement("platform"); // the same for next levels
root.appendChild(platform); // here you attach a node to a parent

5th February 2007, 13:11
You can use the function QDomNode::appendChild.
In example

QDomElement platform;
platform.setAttribute("type", "something");

5th February 2007, 15:45
Thank you for your answers. Now I have different problem. When I run this code:

style = doc.createElement("style");//doc is QDocDocument
style.setAttribute("type", "something");
commonPlatform.appendChild(style); //commonPlatform is QDomEllement

I get this output in my xml file:
<style type="something" /> And I would like to have "/style" closing of tag. How can I do that?

5th February 2007, 16:01
I don't think you can do it directly using DOM.

5th February 2007, 16:05
What is the alternative then?

5th February 2007, 16:09
What difference does it make? :) A separate ending tag is only needed when there are child elements. And you'll get one in case there are.

5th February 2007, 16:23
What is the alternative then?

For example you can insert ending tags using regular expressions. But I don't see why would anyone want to do it...